Despite not being myself, I think we accomplished a lot
on Monday. I am working on the recordings for The Night is Young and you will probably receive them sometime on the weekend.
The video is of the composer. So lyrical - he just tells a story.
Welcome to all of our new members in January and February. I hope you are finding your involvement rewarding. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Sadly, we do tend to take so many things for granted.
Here are some names you might find helpful:
Sue Armstrong - chairperson - Sue addresses the choir every week and always gives us "food for thought".
Linda Henderson - Library and (interim) secretary. If you need any music, please ASK Linda, do not just go to the boxes and start sorting through.
Paul Henderson, equipment, membership.
At rehearsal this week:
1. The Night is Young - First soprano lead - page 4.- please check the accuracy of the rhythms. Pages 8 and 9 - remember, I have revoiced this section, so please be sure that your music is marked correctly and that you understand exactly what you are to sing.
2. Connected - pages 11 and 12 - first soprano section - this needs more drill, but we will try to practise it several more times - its a rhythm thing.
pages 8 and 9 - reinforcing the tenors - remember to listen before singing.
3. Down By the Riverside - pages 9 to the end. Review the notes as much as you can.
4. The Place Where Lost Things Go - measures 21 - 28 - very rich and interesting harmony in this section, please review the notes, as much as you can possible can. Men - review measures 5 - 20 as well. It's not strong enough yet.
So here's what happens next.
1. Please listen to recording of The Place Where Lost Things Go - We will work to sing up to measure 39, accurately and with a balanced sound.
2. The Night Is Young - men - page 6. Sing to tell a story.
3. Connected - Sing measures 1 - 32 from MEMORY.
4. Down By the Riverside - Page 8 - learn notes. - sing slowly to hear harmony
5. My Way - review notes page 4 measures 20 - 31. page 3 and page 6
6. Hey Look Me Over - be sure to review the notes several times this week.
Probably a few other surprises as well.
Have a great week everyone.