A few days ago, I was wandering around cyber-space - something I do too much of these days, and I found myself in the world of videoke. That's karaoke on the iternet. I found myself singing a lot of my old favourites - the worlds are right there!

...and did it ever feel good. The endorphines took hold, raised my mood and lifted me up. I highly recommend it if your are looking for something different. I even made a video of myself singing - (which no one will ever see).
I was CCR, then John Denver, then Neil Diamond, then Judy Garland - it was quite fun!
Here's the site that I started at, if anyone is interested in trying it. Just put yourself in a room with your computer and let your younger self out!!!
I hope everyone had a good Easter. It was different, but I must admit, between Andrea Bocelli in the afternoon, and Jesus Christ Superstar in the evening, my day was very pleasantly filled.
I think of all of you everyday and really miss you and the choir. I know many of you have children and grandchildren that are working on the front lines of the pandemic. I am sure I speak for everyone when I say we are so grateful to them and to you . The extra stress and worry are difficult. Your families are remembered in our thoughts and prayers.
Mike B. sent this video this week. I think it pretty much says it all. (Please send a message if it doesn't work - I'm trying something new)
Hi everyone. Just thought I'd let you know one of the things I've been doing with all this extra time on my hands. About 21 years ago, I purchased a kit from Colonial Times. I got started on it right away, but got interrupted. It spent some time under a blanket on a table in the basement. There was another flurry of activity about 10 years ago, but again it got interrupted. This spring it re-surfaced and this time I managed to finish!! It looks and sounds great. It was supposed to be delivered for our older son's wedding in Ottawa. He and his family are now living in Virginia, so delivery is going to be a bit more challenging.
Good morning Terry and everyone....
i just got to the videoke and really like it.
I‘ve turned my front room den into the music room.
the kids gave me a uekele for my birthday, I have new reeds for my bagpipes
and I can sing to my hearts content....and hopefully not bother anyone
But I miss the choir big time.....
Love this daily challenge and will be printing it for on the front of my refrigerator to remind myself ( due to my lack of long term memory( LOL) of each days challenge ....Terry you were asking about masks...I have been making some both for myself and my elderly neighbours. When I say elderly I have to chuckle because after yet another birthday, I certainly qualify as elderly as well! You Tube has many great suggestions for sewing strategies.
Hello Terry and NWS - I hope that all is well with all of you and that you are finding ways to stay engaged and connected during this time of "social distancing." I am not sure why, but I can't see any posts that have been made past April 14 ..... and yet can tell by comments posted that there have been more recent posts. Any idea of what I am doing wrong? (Given my limited technological abilities, it could be many things). Stay well everyone.
Only just today saw your video blog....( April 23) and sounds as if you have many great ideas up your sleeve! Keep on creating and learning how to make your ideas happen!