Hi everyone,
So here we are, staying safe and healthy.
The windows are washed, carpets vacuumed, apartment cleaned, cupboards organized, puzzles done, colored pencils and markers worn out, many new recipes adding far too many pounds, walking about 20k a week. What else can I do???
So here is my latest project - I received it from a music director colleague in Sydney, Australia and I must say it was quite enjoyable. I just did one a day - and added a twist - I looked for recordings or performances of the songs I remembered - obviously it was quite a nostalgic exercise, but quite uplifting. I've included it here for anyone looking for something different to do. I also found it a great talking activity for a few of the video calls I do with friends.

That would be an interesting data bass for the choir to compile - it would be a great sing along list.
Anyway, I hope you are all doing well. I really enjoyed seeing Marg Laurette's 89th birthday celebration this week - Marg is a retired member of the NoteWorthy Singers.
There have been so many wonderful TV specials lately, it's kept me very amused. I have particularly enjoyed the international programs. Last Sunday, I watched the You tube special that ended with the two hours on TV. I was awed by the amount of wonderful young talent there is in the world.
I must admit though of everything I have heard in the last 6 weeks, the one that moved me most was The Prayer - so if you didn't see it, I've included it today.
I would be curious to hear of some of the interesting projects you have been working on in this challenging time. Not necessarily music. For example - has anyone started making masks? I'm looking for a few.
I will remind you again, to leave a message on this blog and other choir members might see it. All you have to do is sign in with your e-mail address and make up a password (you can use the choir password if you can't think of one) Leave a message. You will be notified in the future if a new posting is made on our blog page.
Stay well everyone. Till the next time - Stay Connected.
This looks like fun! Day 1 - Ruby Tuesday, the Rolling Stones.
Love the music calendar idea! I will definitely check that out! The one thing that I have added to my life as a result of this craziness is a daily yoga routine. I follow a woman by the name of Adriene on YouTube and I love her energy and demeanour. I always look forward to the time I spend in this daily practice.
Have been working on Sing On and there are many days when I am in tears as this song is so relevant to the time we are currently living in. It will be a powerhouse song for us once we finally get to sing it together.
Stay safe out there!!!