Thank you - what a wonderful afternoon. We are accomplishing so much so quickly.
Congratulations on your accomplishments so far.!
I have included two choirs singing Hockey Game (Both well done, but which one would you think really gets the message across? Hmmmm!!!) I hope you enjoy them.
Next Wednesday is our February singout. Please be ready to sing at 1:30 so we can run through the pieces.
Here's a summary of what we have done this week
Hallelujah - accuracy of rhythms - complete song.
O Canada - first four bars of verse 2
The Hockey Song - up to Verse 3 - you can finish it, the tune is the same - just different words.
Song for Peace - altos sing 4 - 19, New - page 6 measure 76 -93. We can sing the whole piece now.
Canadian Pacific - complete - diction and accurate words and notes. Well done!
Shine on Silver Moon - we will wait until after Wednesday to learn all of the notes we left our last year
Can you believe this? Just think about how we can work to improve our musicality - rhythms, dynamics, tempos - it's just awesome.
Please feel free to wear your Canada shirts at the sing-out. New members will join in on the pieces we have learned since you joined. If you don't have a Canada shirt or hockey/golf shirt, then just wear your usual uniform. (if you are a great reader you are welcome to join in on the other ones.)
Here's the program for Wednesday
Gonna Build a Mountain
How Can I Keep from Singing
The Hockey Game
Canadian Pacific
Song for Peace
Ensemble - Can't help falling in Love (or possible Both Sides Now)