I can still hear the beautiful sounds of How Can I Keep from Singing at the end of yesterdays rehearsal. You sounded like angels at time. I am so fortunate and blessed to have such an enthusiastic group to work with. You are the highlight of my week.
I am so looking forward to our Christmas concert - it's going to be wonderful. Please start encouraging your friends to join us for Christmas music and treats on Dec 15.
Please check the list of rep for our singout next week. Peace like a River and How Can I Keep from Singing are on the list so it's really helpful if you keep reviewing your parts. (there's still some notes missing in both pieces ;-))
For those who were unable to be at rehearsal here's a summare
NEW- Wolfgang's Christmas Canon - complete - Congratulations everyone - well done.
Sleigh Ride - up to page 6
Peace Like a River - second sopranos - becoming much more secure.
first sopranos - well done
altos - sound was warmer and more open
tenors - second verse - really impressive
basses - much more confidence on Amazing Grace.
How Can I keep from singing - please review your parts - particularly the second time you sing the chorus AND the last two pages (tenors especially check it out - there's some tight chords in there that are not correct yet - but we'll get there)
Don't forget to mark your calendar for Dec 7 at Parkminster United. Everything is confirmed. Please practise breathing once a day - at least - it's a life affirming thing ;-)
Have a wonderful week everyone.