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  • Terry

We are CONNECTED... January 22, 2020

3 rehearsals into the new year. Well done everyone. It is exciting to study my scores, and prepare for the next rehearsal. Thank you everyone. I hope that the musical excitement will carry over to some other tasks that need to be attended to.

Your executive is preparing for the annual general meeting which will occur on May 4. We have a wonderful group of people who go above and beyond to serve the choir in the areas of hospitality, executive positions, concert management ( posters, visual media, ushering, ticket sales etc, etc, etc). Our president - Sue Armstrong, will be sharing our needs over the next few weeks. PLEASE consider how you can help. If you have an interest in being part of our executive - talk to Sue, she can fill you in on what's involved. If you are interested in promotion, media management or technical design, please let Sue or Nancy (vice-president) know. When individuals step-up, it lightens the load for all.

This Monday was another outstanding rehearsal. Everyone appreciates the patience and quiet that each section observes as we help each other learn their parts.

- It was quite exciting to hear you sing "Connected". My planning was to achieve that goal by the end of February - well you sure showed me 😉. A reminder, we will sing Connected at our singout next Wednesday.

- The Night is Young - learning measures 21- 46. I'm beginning to imagine some new possiblities for this piece. These measures (21 -46) are found in repetition throught out. I will outline some markings for you below, in the summary of next weeks rehearsal.

- Down By the Riverside - we've gone through notes up to measure 40. Please keep reviewing them as much as you can. You have a great relaxed sound - so suitable for the period and the style.

- The Place Where Lost Things Go - reading the text if we have a good grasp of the text, the presentation will be more convincing.

For our singout -

Please REVIEW - Hey Look Me Over

Hymn to Freedom

Ding a ding - (exceptionally well done.)

Home I'll Be

Snow, snow beautiful snow.


Sorry for the ads in this video - but I'm too cheap to buy the ad blocker.


1. We will spend 30 minutes dusting off the pieces for our singout.

2. The Night is Young - please mark you music as follows

page 4 - top staff -(text and melody) First soprano (measures 32 - 48)

second staff top note - Second soprano (measures 32-48)

page 6 - measure 72 - 88 - all men

Page 8 measure 111 - 113 - all men (113 - moves to second staff)

113 - 128 - top staff sopranos and altos

113 - 128 - second staff

Note - the music has been transposed down - which means you are not singing nearly as high as it looks.

3. Down By the Riverside - Measure 41 - 56 - we'll start a little slower so that we can get those pesky semi-tones.

4. The Place Where Lost Things Go - measures 5 - 20 - note crushing.

I am working as hard as I can to get the recordings done, - but you are learning faster than I can catch up - so they will come and we will continue to march ahead.

There is no question in my mind - you are very

WORTHY OF NOTE ! - have a great week!


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1 Comment

Aug 10, 2020

Greetings all,

I just wanted to tell you that "Connected "has become my favourite earworm of the pandemic. The words seem to reinforce what we are all realizing that we are all in this together . it keeps me going as I too have increased my walking times to reinforce my connection with nature and help me keep some sanity in my life. I am enjoying beach walking at the cottage. I hope to join the zoom meeting Aug 10.

Staysafe .


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