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The countdown is on - 3 rehearsals left

Can you believe it - the concert is almost here.

From our latest report, there are a lot of tickets out and that's encouraging.

As you plan for next year, the choir registration fee will be approximately $140.

The more tickets we sell, the lower next years fees will be.

It's a wonderful program and you deserve to be heard. So please bring all of your friends and don't forget the family - (they owe you remember 😉)

I have made adjustments to Walk in the Wind and it will be concert ready.

Thank you to the 16 people who volunteered to sing Yamaya. I think Trudy and I will join you and we will should have some fun working it out.

Big thanks to John, George, Jim, Don, Paul and Dan for their work on Bright Side of Life.

To Pat, Celia and Nancy, Art for work in I am Song, and Walk in the Wind

Over the next few weeks, please read and re-read the words. We have a good sound and good diction, but the audience will be rather bored. They won't enjoy looking at the top of your heads.

Please remember, real choral singing is delivering a message. Try to explain the meaning of each song. When you sing it, are you trying to convey that meaning to the listener? Do you think about the meaning when you listen to yourself? Do the words flow together in phrases that emphasize meaning? Are you reading phases or are you reading words? Is there a specific mood or emotion that we are trying to convey?

Here's the program for April 11(not in order yet)

1. Get Happy

2. Walk in the Wind

3. One Song

4. This is My Home

5. I Am Song

6. The Colours of My Life

7. My Favourite Things

Song Sing sing along

(not included - The Journey, Grand Night, Yemaya and Bright Side)


Keep practising. - it's ONE SONG, Many Voices.

Have a great week


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