I am so thrilled with all that you have accomplished in 3 short rehearsals.
Thank you so much.
As promised, I've attached a video of Yemaya. For those who have extra keen ears, you may notice that the words seem to be reversed in the soprano on page 9. We will use the text as written in the music.
I searched the name Yemaya this morning on the internet. If you have time, you will find lots of information on Yemaya, the mother of all living things, ruling over the oceans and the seas.
AT THE VERY LEAST - I encourage you to read page 2 of your music.
Several singers have mentioned how excited they are to take on this challenge. Already, we are hearing the essence of the piece. That makes me very happy....😊
Please re-read the exercise pages I have provided many times, to help you remember and to reinforce your learning. I can tell it has made a real difference.
We have finished My Favourite Things. Men - PLEASE review, MARK YOUR MUSIC, and be very careful in measures 21-28, 39-46, 57-64, 80-81,97-104,115-123, 125 - end.
Everyone needs to be very confident from measure 65 - 72, 125 - end.
Please read the words at least everyday. The more familiar you are with them the more fun we will have singing it. You make me very happy...😁
The Journey - it's all about the VOWELS.
Your performance is already lovely. I hear your understanding of the long legato line improving every week. I even got some shivers this week. Please keep listening. When we have finished learning the notes, its so important to keep reviewing so that we don't go backwards and have to re-do things we have already done. And now I'm even happier😊😊♥
Its a Grand Night For Singing - this is the opening piece for our Spring Concert so we need to sing it with great joy and clarity. Joy + Clarity = Power!
Second Sopranos - Please, please, please (I'm on my knees begging) listen to measures 25 - 28 over and over and over, until you can sing them in your sleep.
We have learned the notes for measure 1-40. Next week I hope to cover measures 41 - 83. That pretty well finishes the note learning!
Get Happy - your rhythm was the most accurate it has ever been. Well done! 👏 One Big concern is that each person things carefully about the rhythm on the first page. If you start late at the beginning, then its hard to get better as you go along.
Bright Side of life - a silly spoof. Please review the words and note for measures 10 -25. Next week we will learn the notes on page 5 and page 9 and 10. (if you get a chance, listen ahead)
So what are we going to do next week -
Grand Night - measures 41 - 83
Colours of My Life - measures 20 -24, 30 - 32, 64 - END
Get happy - 26-33 - for the second soprano
Review - The Journey, and My Favourite Things
If time - I Am Song - letter B.
Now you know why I Sing because I'm Happy.
Have a wonderful musical week everyone.
Please check the singout page for the music for next Wednesday.