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Canadians of Worthy Note


Great rehearsal this afternoon. Thank you.

I can still hear the last 4 bars we sang - that was incredibly awesome.

I am sure you are beginning to understand how powerful this concert is.

So what do we need to learn next -

1. We are a little shaky on the second page of Hockey song. There are some harmonies there that I'm not hearing. - please double check the notes.

2. This is my Home - well done - please review the rhythms - long and short notes - accuracy is so important in this piece.

3. Four Strong Winds - on the rise!!! - please keep reviewing your parts. This is a stunning arrangement and you are really doing it justice.

4. Song for Peace - Keep the tempo and rhythms - you start out great, but start getting lazy about half-way through the second page - so the rhythm of the ocean start coming out like "up a lazy river" ;-)

5. The Prayer - really quite beautiful - congrats. The Italian is a little mushy and I would really like to be able to shape dynamics in this piece, but to do this I must have every eye on me!

6. The Song of the Land - Such a beautiful song. My concern right now is that we are not familiar enough with the words so the piece as a "lazy sound" - this happens when everyone is waiting for the person beside them to sing first - in other words, if I put the metronome on, you would be falling behind. When you know the words well, you will sing in time.

7. Canadian Pacific - the last two pages need study and work.

PLEASE UNDERSTAND - the choir is the best it has ever been, and working on these details will just make you better and better.

The most important thing that I'm noticing is that through your music you are outwardly demonstrating a real commitment to each other. That's what it's all about.

So this week

1. My Way - MEN ARE YOU READY ;-)

2. Shine on Silver Moon - (my dream - to perform this a cappella - this would be a first for NWS)

3. Hallelujah - Dynamics (this is one of Gary Tomlin's favourite song)

4. Song of the Land - rhythm

5. O Canada - verse 2

6. Song for Peace - remember to shape the lines and keep the "eighth note feel"

7. Four Strong Winds - review today's work - I JUST LOVED IT !!!!!

8. Review french passages - This is My Home

9. Italian - The Prayer - flow and musical lines

10. Canadian Pacific - words, words, words

11. Hockey Song



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