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  • Terry

What a great rehearsal!

I'm still the most fortunate MD in town. Your efforts and attempts to be musical are inspiring. It's Thursday afternoon by the time I get to write this and I'm still enjoying my memories of this weeks rehearsal. It so rewarding to see you grow and learn. Your never too old!!!

Londonderry Air is becoming more musical each time we work on it AND you sang 8 bars of How Can I Keep from Singing from memory. SOOOOOOOOO........ this week, lets aim for the next 4 bars - in parts.

I've added a few pieces to the list for the singout. It's on the home page. Speaking of the singout, 14 people have signed up. I need everyone to sign up this week.

There is a wonderful concert coming to Kitchener, March 3 and 4 at St. Peter's Lutheran. It is a group called Rajaton from Denmark. This group of singers will absolutely amaze you. They are known all over the world as a gold standard. The sing in a variety of languages and everything from classical to jazz and pop. The first time I heard them I was amazed at how I understood everything they were trying to communicate. It was a really special performance. Rajaton will be performing with a few 100 high school students each night as well as on their own. Tickets are available at

Have a great week everyone, see you on family day

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