Happy New Year to all!
Welcome back to the NoteWorthy Singers and a special welcome to our new members.
I've received a few more enquiries through our web-site, so there may be a few more joining us. If you have any friends who may be interested, please encourage them to come out next week so that we can get settled into the choir that will be performing this season.
What a great rehearsal! It's always fun working with you. You are so enthusiastic and dedicated. "Our Spring Sing 2016" is looking like a really great program.
When you have some time this week, please look at your music - at least familiarizing yourself with the words.
Breathin with Beethoven - measures 1-6. In order for this piece to really be effective, it should be
memorized.Cut and paste this address to see some very enthusiastic
high school kids perform this piece.
(These basses are amazing)
Rhythm of Life - pages 3 - 6
The Night is Young - measures 9 - 27.
Soon and Very Soon - measures 1 - 39.
There's is a lot to do in order to be ready for the concert, so every little bit you can learn now will make a big difference when concert time comes around.
I'm looking forward to our next rehearsal.