We hit a new record for attendance this week. Thank you. 94 percent of you were present .
That really helps me plan my next rehearsal. And we also had a good turnout on Wednesday despite the weather. It was a great afternoon. It was nice to see some of our new members present as well.
I really appreciate and enjoy your dedication and commitment.
Congratulations on Keep Your Lamps - a few little things to fix up - but you did a great job for the first public performance.
All of your Christmas music is now on the web-site. PLEASE use it to review and even learn your parts.
You will notice - I have omitted Home for the Holidays, and replaced it with I'll Be Home for Christmas. With only 5 rehearsals left, we just don't have time to learn any more new music.
I hope you are all talking to your friends about the Christmas Concert. If we can put 600-750 people in the church, many more children will benefit from our efforts.
Happy Hallowe'en Everyone - Remember to spoil the children with lots of candy.